I am a member/moderator of a men's sexual health website and I'm doing a product review and some of the members there had questions so I thought I would ask and I'm also curious as well. Imbalanced pelvic floors due to overtraining kegels is a common issue we see and can lead to a condition called hard flaccid. We encourage members to also do reverse kegels (flexing muscles for trying to pee or push out wind) in order to keep a balanced pelvic floor and prevent overtraining one muscle group. The question is, does this device also work those muscles (reverse kegel) or would you recommend manually doing those? I am primarily using this device for sexual health and more reliable erections and would like to use this long-term versus just the 12 weeks. Currently I am following guidelines of running through all the programs at least twice but afterwards want to focus on the programs that pertain to erection strength but don't want to create pelvic floor issues through overtraining so I wanted to ask in advance. Thank you.
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Our toners are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor using strong kegel contractions. We do not have any programs specific to performing a reverse kegel. We do however have several TENS levels programs that are often recommended for pain and chronic tension, which are now being associated with hard-flaccid syndrome. P01, P06, P07, and P11 are all TENS level stimulation. There are also three open slots that can be used to create custom TENS programs at levels that may be recommended by your PT.