Let's talk about maintenance between workouts. Specifically your internal posture and the step-clench method.
It's very important that we all practice good "internal posture" during the course of our day. Internal posture is how we hold our perineum and pelvic floor during a state of rest. Just like our shoulder posture, we need to check in regularly to make sure that we aren't slouching internally. Letting your shoulders roll down and your belly sag causes a chain reaction of health problems. The same is true when you allow your pelvic floor to sag. If you find that you simply "let it all hang out" between workouts then it's time to develop the habit of actively engaging your pelvic floor. This does not require distracting squeezes, this should be only as difficult as drawing your shoulders back when you find yourself slouching. Make it a full body habit; draw your shoulders back, draw your core in and draw your pelvic floor up. This will feel almost like a cord connecting the pelvic floor to the top of your head in one straight line. You should feel your perineum tighten and your vaginal canal lift up. You should never simply release this area, the same way that you should never deeply slouch your shoulders. Check in regularly. The best way to do that is with the step-clench method.
The step-clench method is a way to actively integrate pelvic floor posture into your daily life. To do this you will begin to practice a new way to walk, every time you walk whether you are walking to your neighborhood or walking across the room. For every left step you take, draw the pelvic floor up in a pulse. By the right step this pulse will have naturally relaxed. Then you pulse again with the left step. The pulse is simply active tension; drawing up the vaginal canal and moving through the day with good internal posture. Once this becomes a habit every time you walk, you will find that your results from your exercises increase exponentially!